Re-answering this because I remembered a couple of other good compliments while reading (which I really enjoy reading, and it makes me think people don't compliment each other nearly enough). Idk, my friend once said I'm "so smart its scary." He also once said, "you think so fast it boggles the eye." (He was psychic back then, and I think he could see me thinking.) He's also said, I think based on either real or imagined psychic perception of things and the world, "You're one of the brightest guys on the planet!" and "Your brainwaves are extraordinary." (I've never actually had an EEG done, but it would be interesting to find out if that's true someday. It would also be interesting to find out WTF my brainwaves do when I sometimes feel those strong electrical surges/short-circuits in my head.) My English teacher in junior high was a very crass and cruel lady, but she did say once that I gave her a reason to wake up in the morning (because I was the only one who understood the material, or whatever), and also she told the girls in the class that they should marry me because I'll be a millionaire someday. =P Okay, here's the ones I just remembered. A friend I've had for a long time once told me, "You remind me of why we need laws." At first I thought it was a disparaging remark, so I pressed him on it, and he said, "I mean why we don't need laws." In other words, I remind him of why we need laws because most people *aren't* like me. But I remind him of why we don't need laws because if everyone were like me, we wouldn't need laws. He seemed good in general at seeing how the same thing could be said in two opposite ways, or how the same thing could have two opposite meanings. Like another time, he mentioned that he feels guilty drinking soda, or something like that, maybe something more inconsequential but superficially meaningful, and I suggested that it's because it reflects real decadent behavior he has on a more "metaphysical" level, and he said, or it's because he *doesn't* really behave that way on the higher level. (In other words, if that *were* his higher-level disposition, then doing that decadent thing would just come naturally to him, it would seem normal, rather than hitting him like something he 'shouldn't do'.) Anyway, another compliment he gave me once, was he said that he'd like to just lay down next to me sometime because my heart beats so true and...I don't remember the exact words. Which reminds me of a really good compliment a girl I once knew gave me, on my MySpace, but unfortunately I don't remember it very well, I only remember the gist of it in abstract. It was kind of long, it said, "When Richard breathes, he breathes..." somethingerather, tantamount to the air of a completely different world from this one, more pure and magical, like it might as well be populated by elves and full of fairy dust or something, and there's no strife and people don't hate each other, etc. (The last part is more how I interpreted it than what it actually said, but what it actually said was equally good.) Oh, and I just remembered something another girl I knew said. She was very smart and pretty, had eyes very far apart (which is something I actually like for some reason), and was very strange. Half the time she'd message me in prose that I couldn't understand. And she said she had a whole wall full of like hundreds or thousands of words. Not words strung together into sentences or anything, just words. Anyway, she said to me once that I'm one of the few "truly nice" people. Or "truly kind"? idr.) I never even knew what she looked like at the time I knew her, I only found out by searching her name up on the web years after we had lost contact. Oh, and my very smart friend Anthony once told me that I made a very profound impression on him when we first started talking because of my "ability." I think we were talking about God or something and I was speculating on different possibilities...not sure exactly or how I would even remember that. He also said that I impressed him by having "no ego" because we were in a debate once and I told him, "It's hard debating with someone who knows more about the subject than I do," or something like that, which isn't something most people would admit. Honestly, though, I don't know if it was because I had no ego, or because my ego was so strong I wouldn't feel threatened by something as superficial as how much I happened to know about something. But I think I did have very little or no ego, at least in some sense, when I was younger, because I remember being able to see right through everybody else's huge egos, I remember literally thinking, "Their egos are bigger than *they* are." Nowadays I can't see that anymore. =/ It could be because there was a time when I thought that in order to get by in this world I'd have to start thinking like normal people, and I did that by putting myself in their heads and trying to think like them, and it actually changed me. Anyway, another compliment I got once was from someone I met in IRC. He had said that he'd thought and thought about it a lot, and he'd come to the conclusion that his consciousness isn't one monolithic thing, but is actually made up of many very small processes or points or something in his brain, or something along those lines. And I disagreed, so I made an analogy. I said, in other words, that maybe his thinking about it in such a long succession seemed like a rational series of conclusions to him, but it could be like a long bar of metal being held up by one end, with only so much tensile strength--the metal may have a lot of integrity, but even so, after a certain length the whole thing will start to skew downward due to gravity. He said that because I was able to make such an analogy, I was "one in thousands." He emailed me a few times and said I was his "star" and stuff, seemed to become kind of obsessed with me. He also lied to me so that I would like him, saying he had a congenital neurological disease called "Sarronism" (he specifically said I wouldn't find anything about it on the 'net) that affected his neurons in such a way (I don't remember how exactly) that made him really smart, and that he was in the Prometheus society, which was the high-IQ society that owned the channel we met and talked in, which has an IQ cut-off of 164 or 165, or he might have said he was in the Megasociety, a high-IQ society with an IQ cut-off of 180, idr which. Well, it turned out he *wasn't* a part of the society, there was a bit of a commotion surrounding his lie and them checking it out or something, and I got some flack from one of the members of Prometheus for being friends with him. Another compliment I got once was from an Indigo child I knew once (not literally a child, but he was a self-proclaimed "Indigo," which I think he really was because he was very fluidly intelligent, was very intuitive, and had an elaborate view of the metaphysical workings of the universe, which he said were revealed to him once, I think when he was 18). We'd have fun, (probably?) philosophical conversations in IRC, and sometime later on Facebook we briefly reminisced, and he said, I think talking about both of us, something about me/us having "The best cerebral mechanics this side of the rainbow." He had a way with words. Oh, and there's this girl I knew in IRC that I was obsessed with, who I thought was the most impressive, the most "real", the most recognizable, the most transcendental, ne most intuitive, and the most *kindred* human being I'd ever met. I wrote about her in my "favorite people" post the other month, Idali/Kyla. Anyway, once she said to me, because of something I'd said, "Don't pretend you're real." And I said, "I don't understand. Am I pretending I'm real, or are you denying I'm real?" And she said, "I'm admitting it." To be called "real" by *her* was like the highest compliment I ever could have achieved. =P Unfortunately, I was way too anxious and tongue-tied to really express myself to her much in those years, but there were a few good moments that I got through. Nowadays we exchange now and then in e-mail, but she's not the same IRC personality she once was. Another compliment I got, I was just walking up to my college, I had long, thick, wavy hair at that time, and some random black dude coming the other way said to me, "You look like a movie star!" Another time, I was at RadioShack playing around with an electronic keyboard on drumset setting, just trying to make a cool little beat, and this kid that was there, probably about 13, thought it sounded really good and said to me, "You could [or should?] be a DJ!" I actually wish I could make music; I even bought Ableton Live for $700, but the truth is I'm just not inspired enough. I'm *very* inspired when I'm dreaming or half-awake, I come with great musical ideas, but I just can't remember them well enough when I wake up. And even if I could, you probably need an ongoing stream of good ideas, not just a few you remember. Idali/Kyla once suggested I microdose on psilocybin to inspire me to make music, but I've never tried it. I don't really have the balls. For one, to alter my brain chemistry like that, and for two, to trust some random seller on the internet not to put something questionable or dangerous in the mix. Another thing I took as a good compliment, I had a friend once who really wanted to confess something to someone. She had recently been in a good relationship that she destroyed for no good reason, she just couldn't stop herself. She chose to confide in *me*, and afterward said something like, "I knew it would be you" or "It could only be you." Another compliment I got that I really liked was a lot more recent: Goli from Retrospring once said, in whatever words he used, that I'm very effective at expressing my essence/personality/whatever through my posts. I gathered or somehow assumed it was basically in my phraseology. Oh, I just remembered another great comment. One by a friend I once had who was *extremely* good- and cool-looking, and was highly spiritually sensitive and aware, and had a pretty neat personality. She said, "You're the most uniquely unique person I've ever met!" She also once coyly hinted at everyone who's not me being just smaller versions of me. Oh yeah, another one. I've also had multiple people call me Albert Einstein. @ColorStorm inhahe · 14m And the spiritually aware girl said she compared my energy to his and that they match. She checked because the first friend in the above post said that I was Albert Einstein in a past life. @ColorStorm inhahe · 13m Also my middle name is Albert. And Albert Einstein is one of my favorite people. =P @ColorStorm inhahe · 9m One of the people who've called me Albert Einstein was my then-young first cousin once removed. She asked me why I didn't throw this (pretty large) box away that one of my presents had come in (I think it was a musical keyboard), and I said, "Because the box was too big to fit in the trash." The thing is, when I said it, I knowingly channeled some particular energy in me that I'd never invoked before. It had been latent my entire life. Then she said, "You even said it in Albert Einstein!" @ColorStorm inhahe · 8m The energy I channeled was like a genre of dry sarcasm. "It was too big to fit in the trash." was a kind of joke. But I don't even get it. @ColorStorm inhahe · 6m I guess the joke was that it was implied I'd throw it away by some means other than throwing it in that trash bin, which was obviously too small. But I don't know how else I would have thrown it away. But then, I don't remember the details of the premises anymore. @ColorStorm inhahe · 1m Oh, I just remembered another compliment. My then-g/f once said to me, "Your face is almost perfect." I guess I was her type. Mostly. =P It's good to happen to stumble upon the person who happens to appreciate exactly who and what you are. And I liked her, too, and she was beautiful. @ColorStorm inhahe · 1m I think she might have said the "almost" was because my forehead was a little too large. I don't know if she said that or if I made that up. inhahe · 1m Also, I showed one of the past pics of me I like to someone (I think it may have been the friend who I said confided in me), and she said it was a "neat pic." It's a small compliment, but I'm mentioning it because I haven't gotten a lot of compliments in my life and because it means a lot that someone appreciated my pic. I feel like some of my old pics/the way I looked have always been way underappreciated. People should recognize how brilliantly elegant and uniquely "me" they are. inhahe · 1m Though I did mention that I think a lot of them are neat to another friend of mine, recently, and she said she's glad I'm able to see that. =P @ColorStorm inhahe · 1m (Which means she agrees and sees it too.)